My oldest daughter has been bugging me for the last few months to please get the food storage done "so that I won't die when the next disaster happens!" So I told her to make it a Personal Progress project and get it done! She's busy taking inventory and making lists for our 72 hour kits, and today we went to the cannery and canned 400# of wheat, 150# beans, 75# sugar, 75# dry milk, and 2 cans of dried onions. So we're about 1/3 of the way there on our food storage (yes, we need 1200# of wheat for our bunch as well as 400# of other various grains...whew!). We also helped a friend do 800# of wheat. It took us about 4 hours so we went to Leatherby's Ice Cream Parlor afterward for a well deserved icecream sundae!
We'll make a couple of more trips and we should be stocked for a year.
We're gonna get it or die tryin'!
This entry was posted
on May 15, 2007
at Tuesday, May 15, 2007
and is filed under
Is your house in order?
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