In which all my sappiness comes out…  

Posted by mindyluwho in ,

I’ve been lacking lately in motivation to write on my blog. I think I have lost my focus. Actually when I started my blog I wasn’t sure what my focus was, only that I felt compelled to start one so that I could have some sort of communication with my family who live in other areas of the U.S, far away from me. I wasn’t sure what to really write about and consequently I can’t say that my first posts were the most illustrious of posts, nor any since then except a couple that came from I don’t know where, because I’m certainly not a writer. I am, however, very philosophical by nature. I’m a dreamy truth-seeker who loves nothing better than to have an in-depth discussion about the meaning of life, but I tend to get somewhat sappy and sentimental, which when I’m having a face to face, heart to heart, isn’t so bad. But when I try to write about it, it just comes out all wrong. Most of my posts take forever to write because I have to revise them or even completely rewrite them after reviewing them the next day when my mood has changed enough to see the sappiness that I didn’t see the day before.

(In fact I almost got scared away from blogging altogether when I ventured out into the blogosphere and saw the many talented writers out there. I’d be better off at a quilting guild than the company I am endeavoring to keep here in blogland.) (And when I read what writers say about others grammatical errors, I cringe to even comment on their blog because I’m too embarrassed for them to come to my spot for fear they will be turned off by my poor use of the apostrophe and other punctuational (not a word, I know) errors.)

Well, I’m not sure where this post is going, except that I seem to have lost my focus again…which brings me back to the beginning…what was I going to tell you about?…oh yes…actually I did finally find something to focus on, and that is my Isaiah studies. I realized that blogging about the insights I have gained through my studies would perfect for my philosophical dreamy side. But in case you hadn’t noticed, I kind of stalled after chapter 2. Not that my studies have stalled, I am actually on chapter 30! It’s just the posting has stalled. I actually have 3 posts written for chapter 2, all from different angles, but none quite right! Meanwhile, I’ve been dying to tell you some of the things I’ve learned from other chapters, but have felt like I needed to stick to a chronological order and consequently, nothing has been posted!

So I’ve been rethinking things a bit. No, I’m not going to give up on writing about Isaiah, I’ve grown too fond of him to quit. But I think that I won’t try to go in chronological order anymore. Well, I say, if Isaiah can skip all over the place, so can I! I mean, for heaven’s sake he changes centuries in the middle of a verse! So I’m packin’ up and movin’ on…to another chapter that is. Hmmm, now to decide where to start.

I’ll get back to you!

This entry was posted on Nov 24, 2007 at Saturday, November 24, 2007 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

6 said...

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November 24, 2007 at 2:51 AM

Get going!! I love reading your insights into Isaiah!

November 24, 2007 at 9:01 AM

I do like your style .... and please NEVER ever be intimidated by the writers of Blogland.

We welcome your efforts.

November 25, 2007 at 11:06 AM

I like your pursuit of Sappiness! :D

November 25, 2007 at 4:05 PM

I don't know what to write about either. I've stared numerous posts and just stared at the screen, trying to figure out how to put what I'm feeling in words that won't make me sound like a horrible mother or a negative person. I think I have writer's blog.

November 26, 2007 at 7:19 AM

Dedee...thank you! I've been thinking about you.

David...thank you for coming by, and for the kind words. I took a peek at your site and definately will be back when I have more time to browse. the play on words!

Mamita...I know how you feel, but you have such a great way with words, keep trying! Writer's blog...cute!

November 26, 2007 at 11:03 AM

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