I was just going to type in here that I have a 13 year old daughter who was unhappy today and that would probably have been enough explanation for my title.
And maybe I should leave it at that rather than spewing forth venom and ruining all of your evenings.
Then I thought I should title it "Thank You Fellow Bloggers", because I needed something to take my mind off my day, so I surfed around to all my favorite blogs, and laughed and shuddered and sniffed and laughed some more and generally got uplifted.
I didn't leave any comments, because I was afraid of writing anything in my current mood that might offend or be taken in the wrong way, but I did thoroughly enjoy all of your posts and when I get caught up with my life (see below) then I will delight you with my enlightening comments (cough, cough).
I've learned my lesson too many times that when I'm in an especially emotional mood that it's just best to keep quiet.
Remember the stomach flu I had?
Well it went away and was replaced with another flu.
One that zaps all your energy.
I've been laying around since Sunday.
Let me rephrase that: I've been trying to lay around since Sunday, but every day this week (and usually more than just once per day) someone(s) had to be somewhere and since I am the chauffer and I don't have a backup, then I had to drive kids around, and while my charges were in doing their various fun activities, I layed around...in my car...until I could finally come home and either get in the bathtub or on the couch.
I think I am finally on the mend and tomorrow I don't have any places to be or things to do except my appointment with the washer and dryer.
I have piles of clothes, both clean and dirty, laying in various locations throughout my house.
Why doesn't life stop when I do?