Breathe in...Breathe out...In...Out...
Oh hello. I'm just coming up for air after being deep in the throes of decluttering my kitchen for the last four days.
OK, well that's not all I've been doing. I did go to church on Sunday, and did the usual chauffering of the troops. I even stopped to make a couple of dinners (sadly, an unusual phenomenon).
It's an interesting feeling walking into a newly decluttered kitchen. Even though the outside appearance hasn't changed much, I feel a difference (just knowing I can open my cupboards and nothing will fall out on me is exhilirating!). My kitchen is clean from the inside out and I can feel it, in fact I feel clean when I walk into my kitchen. I have five grocery bags full of items that I decided I really didn't need. Only five you say? It's amazing how many things can fit into a grocery bag! My criteria was such that if there wasn't a place for an item, it was gone. Some things were harder to part with than others, and some were down right agonizing.
Well, the pantry's next. Time to dive back in...
This entry was posted
on Feb 12, 2008
at Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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my life today
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