My scripture study has been lacking a little as of late. My goal was to be through Isaiah by today, but I still have 7 chapters left, which was the same as I had a week ago...
I'm almost there though, considering there are 63 chapters and I am on 56. I can pat myself on the back can't I???
But still, I need to finish my goal.
So I was thinking that maybe if I posted something from Isaiah, it might get me motivated to start moving along again. I browsed through my notes and found this scripture:
"Then said I: Wo is unto me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips; and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips" (Isaiah 6:5).
These are the little ponderings I wrote about it:
What kind of example am I and what company do I keep and what kind of encouragement or discouragement do I give? How are my “lips”? Do I speak kindly? How are the “lips” of my children? What can I do to improve our “lips”?
Then I thought "Well that's kind of boring to post about, my readers need something more profound than that". So I started of thinking of lips and songs and naturally this came to mind:
You know, Larry can be very profound sometimes...
This entry was posted
on Feb 29, 2008
at Friday, February 29, 2008
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