A daily dose...there are a lot of things I need a daily dose of, but don't always get it. Chocolate is one thing I can think of...ok, well I don't need it. And the funny thing is, I'm not really a chocoholic, or at least I didn't used to be or didn't think I was at any rate until yesterday when I was driving home and found myself dreaming of chocolate and imagining the creamy goodness in my mouth...Lindt, dark chocolate truffles, mmmmm...but I digress, chocolate is not the point of my post. Other things I really do need on a daily basis are hugs from my kids, kisses from my husband, time in my scriptures, and last, but certainly not least...to read my favorite blogs, which brings us to the real point of this post...
Joey gave me an award, the Daily Dose award:

"It's for blogs that I must read every day without fail . . . They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post..."
Thank you Joey. (She's on my daily blog list.)
When I first started blogging, it was mainly with the thought of keeping connected with my family (ahem, family, are you reading this? If they are, they keep their comments to themselves! Except PJ...and Betsy and Jenn now and again!). Then someone commented on my post who wasn't family (Joey) and my blogging experience expanded. And what fun it has been. I find myself thinking of these people that I've never met; I enjoy reading about them and their insights and outlook on life.
So now I get to pass on the award, and it's hard to decide who to give it to, because I love to read all my favorites on a daily basis, or whenever they post. If I had my blogroll on my sidebar you would see all the places I love to go to, but when I changed my template all the widgets got erased (widgets, widgets...who thought of calling them that? Widgets, deeleebobbers, thingamajigs...ok, I'm really getting sidetracked here).
I say it's hard to decide, but to be honest, the first person I thought of was
Now, before you go over there, just a little side note. She just posted a blog about how she doesn't have any awards, and just to make things clear, she wasn't fishing for awards, and you'll just have to read her post to understand it (it's Princess's fault). It's just a uncanny coincidence that she posted that on the same day that I got my award. And really, you have to pass these things on, you know, spread the love around! So, I'm giving the award to her because I really love reading her blog when she posts, which isn't every day, so I can't really get a "daily" dose from over there, but as soon as I see she's posted, I'm over there man! She's funny, insightful, talented in so many ways (she really needs to post another song...hint, hint!), and just an all around delight to read.
And really, Princess needs something pretty to see on her mommy's sidebar!